"Helping People Thrive"
Center for Positive Change, PLC
Stephanie Fellenberg, Psy.D.
1200 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: (703) 201-8140 Fax: (703) 704-5719
Could I benefit from therapy?
If you are like most people, you may be hesitant to enlist the help of a therapist. And that is no wonder, as many people only have a vague idea of what therapy is all about. So, you might be surprised to read that therapy is not only for those who struggle with a major mental illness or those who are extremely miserable. In fact, most children and adults who enter therapy are competent, well-functioning individuals who are looking for help with difficult problems in their everyday life. Therapy can help you examine your behaviors, feelings, and thoughts to identify those that could be changed to help with your situation and improve your life. Therapy may last only a short period of time when everyday issues bring you into treatment. However, if you are facing extraordinary life events or serious issues and depending on your goals therapy can last for a longer period of time.
Still not sure whether or not to enter therapy? It may seem like a huge decision. However, if you (or your child) are dealing with issues that are keeping you from thriving and living your best life, if they are in the way of fully enjoying life or keeping you from reaching your potential, or if your life feels out of balance, you might want to consider giving it a try. Therapy can help you live your best life by discovering your possibilities, and helping you live an authentic and purposeful life.
Please see Services at a Glance for a list of services offered.
Dr. Fellenberg understands that finding a therapist who is right for you is one of the most important ingredients in successful therapy. Therefore she offers 20-minute "meet the therapist" appointments. For more information please call (703) 201-8140.